This is Van Hackett, the happiest kid I've ever seen. This onesie was a little bit of an experiment. I am trying to make new things to sell at the Farmers' markets. I am still working out a few minor details. If you have any special request let me know. I'll make it, and you can buy it from me. Thanks to Zack and Kim for the cute photos and the cute kid.
P.S. Holly loves Van
so cute! if i had a kid i'd be requesting onesies all over the place. ALSO you might want to know that there is a market for adult-size onesies. how do i know this? my brother has two! think about it...there could be big money there.
Van loved his new onesie and his aunt Holly.
If you do make more onesies, I'm going to need to buy a few for my niece and nephews that are babies!! You and your many endless talents. I'm quite impressed.
PS. Van = daaarling.
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